Repair Service  | Sherman Woods

Sherman Woods Committees 2022

Sherman Woods Committees

A special thanks to all committee members who put so much time and effort into helping make the Woods a truly great place to live!! Information on our committees is listed below. Should you wish to volunteer on a committee or provide some input to a committee please notify the Board, attend any of the scheduled events on the calendar or respond to an email notice from the Board.

 1. Common Grounds

Looks after cleanup, upkeep and maintenance of all common areas contained in the Sherman Woods Subdivision which includes the beach as well as the tennis court / shed common grounds.

Maintenance of the  sprinkler system, all common ground equipment.

Coordinate Sherman Woods yard sale , removal and placement of beach equipment .

Chairperson ..... Fred Kemp

 2. Beautification

Maintenance and planting of the many flowers, shrubs and landscaping in the Sherman Woods community as well as the Christmas decorations for the lamps and signs.

Chairperson.... Kathy Smith

3. Social

Planning and implementation of all Sherman Woods social activities such as the 4th of July Celebration , Historic Cocktail Party, Shuffleboard Tournament, National Night Out, Memorial Day and Christmas luminaries.

Chairperson.....   Jane Penzian 

4. Sunshine

Welcome wagon, luncheons, flowers and cards.

Chairperson ...  Marianne Kemp 

5. Website

Communicate and maintain new and existing information contained on the Sherman Woods website.

Chairperson  ...  Derek Smith